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Urania Records


Regular price €20,00 EUR
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Trio for piano, flute and bassoon in G Major, WoO37

Sonata for flute and piano in B-flat Major, WoO Anh.4

Serenade for flute, violin, viola in D Major, Op. 25

6 National Folksongs with Variations, Op. 105

10 National Folksongs with Variations, Op. 107

Allegro & Minuetto for two flutes, WoO26

(2 CD)

Enzo Caroli, flute
Anna Martignon – Jung Hun Yoo, piano
Carlo Lazzari, violin
Giancarlo Di Vacri, viola
Roberto Giaccaglia, bassoon
Walter Zampiron, flute

Questo Album si impegna di racchiudere in due CD i lavori che Beethoven destina al flauto, siano essi catalogati col numero d’opera che classificati postumi con la sigla WoO. Si tratta di una scelta volta a valorizzare soprattutto quelle composizioni troppo spesso trattate con sufficienza in quanto non ritenute capaci di rispecchiare l’immagine romantica del carattere beethoveniano e bypassate nei programmi di sala, privandoci del piacere di intravedere ed apprezzare, all’interno di situazioni compositive gradevoli e “semplici” all’ascolto, la natura originale del carattere di Beethoven.


This 2 Cds album aims to gather Beethoven’s works for flute, whether they are cataloged with the opus number or classified after his death under the abbreviation WoO. This choice is going to enhance those compositions which have too often been dismissed as not reflecting the romantic image of Beethoven’s character, and have been disregarded in the theatre programmes, thus depriving us of the pleasure of imagining and appreciating the true nature of Beethoven’s personality in compositions that are pleasant and “simple” to listen to.

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