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Velut Luna


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Author : AAVV


1 ADAMO Piccoli 3:42
2 IS IT TRUE WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT DIXIE? Marks - Irving - Lerner 2:11
4 IPERTESO Piccoli 4:04
5 BUDDY JAMES Piccoli 5:08
6 FIVE GUYS NAMED MOE Bresler - Wynn 2:40
7 SINCE I FELL FOR YOU Johnson 6:11
8 SING SING SING Prima 4:04
10 I’M BEGINNING TO SEE THE LIGHT Ellington - George - Hodges - James 2:50
11 BABY WON’T YOU PLEASE COME HOME Warfield - Williams 4:28
12 BLUEBERRY HILL Rose - Lewis - Stock 2:51
13 HARD TIMES Piccoli 3:50
14 HOW LONG HAS BEEN THIS GOIN’ ON? I. Gershwin – G. Gershwin 4:24
Total Time 55:18


Jazz. Original composites by: Piccoli, Marks-Irving-Lerner, Cole-Mills, Bresler-Winn, Johnson, Prima, Ellington-George-Hodges-James, Warfield-Williams, Rose-Lewis-Stock, I. Gershwin-G. Gershwin.
The Metronomes: F. Michielin, C. Piccoli, S. Fedato.
Special Guests: M. Strano, Bonivento, M. Scomparin, L. Bottos, M. Gava.
M24bit/88.2kHz digital recording made at MagisterAreaStudios, Preganziol on May and June 2011

It's been six years since I reviewed their last work (“Ciao Fred” - 2005 - Velut Luna) and since then I've been wondering, after that magnificent tribute to Fred Buscaglione, what direction their music would take.
In the meantime, the three “Metronomes” continued to entertain, sing, dance, laugh and cry anyone who had the chance to see and listen to them live, with their vast repertoire of American and Italian swing, blues, boogie and jumpin'jive.
Even today, if I happen to attend one of their concerts, I can't help but tap my foot to follow the pressing rhythm of the drums held by Stefano Fedato who, "laughing and joking" (as Jannacci would say), drags the trio towards increasingly daring speeds; I can't help but be amazed by the singular and asymmetrical way of playing the piano by Carlo Piccoli, who seems to have a double bass instead of his left hand and who while playing sways in time with his whole body, feet included; I can't help but laugh in amazement at seeing a histrionic man like Francesco Michielin, who, wriggling like a madman, continually alternates his scratchy, inspired and theatrical singing with the sound of the kazoo and who reproduces (for fun) any instrument with his voice (from the trumpet to the guitar); but, above all, I can't help but be amazed at how the sound ensemble is so compact and complete despite there being only three of them!!
After the homage to the music of Fred Buscaglione that I mentioned, they return to the scene with this new work “Adamo .. let's swing!” which is the fifth album of the Venetian trio.
It's a varied album full of new features: first of all the presence (for the first time) of some of their own songs which reveal, at first listen, the fun and irony present in their music.
Just listen to their songs, “Adamo” (a witty and irreverent picture illustrated with irony on the cover) and “Iperteso” (who among us hasn't come across a “hypertensive, sunglasses and hanging suit” guy on the highway who flashes his lights and honks because he wants to overtake?) or “Hard Times” (which sounds like a ragtime piece from the twenties enriched with vocal trumpets in the style of the Mills Brothers) to understand the spirit behind their music.
I also approve, without reservations, the choice to introduce so-called “minor” songs such as the funny “Is It True What They Say About Dixie?” by Al Jolson or the poignant blues “Since I Fell for You” taken from the repertoire of the great Dinah Washington which in the Metronomes' version is an authentic masterpiece.
A careful selection of American classics of the past (from Gershwin to Louis Prima, from Duke Ellington to Nat King Cole) completes the work, which presents numerous variations in tempo and rhythm, touching on ragtime, stomp, blues, swing and jumpin' jive and collects several quotes with tributes to Louis Armstrong, Tom Waits, Louis Prima, Al Jolson and, why not, Buscaglione, who remains one of their main inspirations.
A fresh and fun album where the first to have fun are the musicians themselves. After all, it is enough to see the Metronomes live to realize that, when they play, they really have fun!
Well then... Let's swing!

Production: Velut Luna
Executive producer: Marco Lincetto
Recording, Mix & Mastering engineer: Marco Lincetto
Photo: Luca Calconi
Cover: Giorgio Munari
Design: the image
Webmaster: Martin
Marketing: Francesco Pesavento
Sales Manager: Moreno Danieli & Patrizia Pagiaro
Press Agent: Emanuela Dalla Valle
World Wide Contacts: Cristiana Dalla Valle

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